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RHAPSODE is a UK-based academic publisher specializing in publishing scientific journals, dedicated to supporting the latest scientific developments and researchers worldwide. We publish scientific research in our academic journals.

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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
College House, 2nd Floor 17 King Edwards Road, Ruislip, London, UK. HA4 7AE
College House, 2nd Floor 17 King Edwards Road, Ruislip, London, UK. HA4 7AE

Frequently Asked Questions

Could you waive or reduce article processing fees?

RHAPSODE charges an article processing fee to the author(s). Because, our journals normally work by subscriptions, in order for the articles to have open access, the author(s) is/are required to pay an article processing fee. Our journals have an article processing fee to support open access, to cover publications costs such as assigning doi number, preparing the galley proof of the paper, professional editing et al. There is no waiving policy in case of a lack of funds to pay this APC. Any discount or waiver of the APC is not available for authors. This charge applies to accepted articles.  However RHAPSODE can use grant funds for high-quality articles that editors approve.

Could we please ask you to provide more details on the matter to clarify the involvement of "RHAPSODE" as a publisher in terms of the editorial processes of journals?

In response to your question, the publisher represented by "RHAPSODE" is strictly not involved in the editorial process of the journals. The roles undertaken by "RHAPSODE" as a publisher include:

(a) Conducting plagiarism checks on submitted articles

(b) Website development and ensuring that best practice is followed in its publications

(c) Typesetting, proofreading and publishing accepted articles

(d) Assigning DOI numbers to published articles (as a Crossref member)

(e) Maintaining the integrity of the scholarly record

What is the meaning of the "RHAPSODE" term?

A rhapsode (Greek: ῥαψῳδός, "rhapsōidos") or, in modern usage, rhapsodist, refers to a classical Greek professional performer of epic poetry in the fifth and fourth centuries BC (and perhaps earlier). Rhapsodes notably performed the epics of Homer (Iliad and Odyssey) but also the wisdom and catalogue poetry of Hesiod and the satires of Archilochus and others. Plato's dialogue Ion, in which Socrates confronts a star player rhapsode, remains the most coherent source of information on these artists. Often, rhapsodes are depicted in Greek art, wearing their signature cloak and carrying a staff. This equipment is also characteristic of travellers in general, implying that rhapsodes were itinerant performers, moving from town to town. Rhapsodes originated in Ionia, which has been sometimes regarded as Homer's birthplace, and were also known as Homeridai, disciples of Homer, or "singers of stitched lays." (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhapsode)

How can we submit our paper to your journal?

You can submit your paper by clicking on “Submit Papers” on our website. 


